Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Scale Advert

This is the advert for Gaviscon. Gaviscon is a medicine that cools and reduces heart burn pain. This advert shows a women suffering with heart burn so she takes a spoon full of Gaviscon. The advert then zooms into the women's throat as you was inside and the medicine turns into fireman and using a hose pipe 'cooling' her throat down. I think that this is a good example of a scale advertisement.

Photography Advert

This timelapse advertisement is for the Samsung Soulb phone. The advert shows the phone in the centre of the screen while in the background, it shows a timelapse of a different parts of places. During the advert the is a part where it slows down then speeds back up again. I like this a lot as it gives the whole advert a good effect.

Texture Advert

This advertisement is for LOOK magazine which has quick flashing images throughout. The advert images are mainly consist of modeling images, clothing items and accessories. This is to show you what most things are included into the magazine. I think this advert is a good effect, because even though the images flashing quickly, you can still manage to see what it is.

Digital Advert

This is a 3D advertisement promoting Guitar Hero 2 for the Xbox. During the advert, loud metal music is played throughout with lightenings bolts coming out of the guitar. I think this is to make feel its the best game to 'rock' out to. I don't really like the graphics in the advertisement.

Illustration Advert

This advertisement promoting the game, Dragon Age. This advertisement is also most like-life as the game makes is seem like that. During the advert, a man talks throughout with calm music at the beginning and then faster towards the end. This is to make your Pulse raise and excited to make you buy the game.

Provocation Advert

This is the advert for Anti-smoking. The advert is a interview with a man speaking about that he has throat cancer and lung cancer. He also mentions about his eldest daughter coming to visit in December. This provocation for this advertisement is to get the point across to stop smoking for people who do. By using person who is actually suffering a deadly symptom, it would make people think twice about smoking. At the end of the advert it says he never got to see his daughter and died 10 days after filming the advert.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Viral Advertisements

iTunes Advert - ColdPlay

This is the advert for iTunes which promotes songs that you can download from iTunes. For this advert it uses Coldplay with their song Viva La Vida. When i first saw this advertisement i thought it was promoting a new song by Coldplay. It was only towards the end that i saw that it was for iTunes. During the advert it had splashes of colour throughout the duration of the advert which i found quite eye catching. The splashes of colour is the main source of the advert as it represents iTunes. They have used this in some previous iTunes adverts.

Specsavers Over 60's Rollercoaster Advert

When i first seen this advert, i didn't really know what it was for. I was shocked that it was for Specsavers as the advert is nothing to do with Specsavers. I find this advert is quite funny and amusing to watch, as it shows an old women and a old man eating a cheese sandwich and then there suddenly a rollercoaster. It is only at the end of the advert that it shows what the advert is promoting, which is the specsavers logo and offereing 30% off for over 60's. I think this is good entertaining advertisement.

Lloyds TSB 'for the journey' Advert

This particular Lloyds TSB advert stands out the most to me out of the rest, as at first you don't know what the advert is for. It shows a man and women meeting on a train and going through the stages of life as most couples do. At first i didn't see the point of the advert and why had anything to do with TSB, until towards the end when the narrator spoke quoting 'Everyday where busy helping our millions of customers get to where they want to go in life'. This explains the whole advert to me, as it shows the man and women going through a 'journey' in life. The is also soft classical music played in the background, which also goes well with the great animation.

EU & Local Elections TV Advert

I don't think this is a good viral advertisement as i find it quite boring just watching a women walking the dog to the polling station. The only good parts in the advert is the 'invisible' barrier, which has stopped her from voting which is a good idea. It does get the message across to people that don't let anything stop you from voting. Personally, i think the creators could of come up with a better idea for the advert but keep the same message.

Sony Bravia 'bunny' advert. 'Color like no other'

When i first watched this advertisemet, at first i didn't think it was for Sony, at the time i thought it was a kids advert as soon as i seen the rabbits and the whale. I like this viral advertisement alot as the stop motion animation as the animals turn into other objects or another animal. The song that is used in the advertisement is 'She's Like A Rainbow' by The Rolling Stones. This song is a happy and cheerful song. During the advert, there is a part where the 'wave' crashes down into separate parts that look ice burgs and it syncs in time with song when it slows down, which i think is really good. The message that gets across to the audience speaks for its self 'Colour like no other' as throughout the advert bright colours are used.

Visual Communication

BlackBerry Bold 9700/BlackBerry Storm

BB Storm

BB Bold 9700

Both of these phones are very simular as they both are both very popular phones, and both have high technology. The BB Storm offers more features then the BB Bold 9700 such as, fast network connectivity and high resolution display, where as the BB Bold 9700 offers 'speedy' network connections. I feel that the BB Storm would break more easily than the BB Bold as the phone is touch screen. The audience for both of these phone, are for the older public as the Blackberry phones are mainly used for business purposes so they are too advanced for children. In my oppinion, i would prefer the BB Bold 9700 as i feel it would be easier to handle than a touch screen phone. Even though the Storm offers more things, not much is different to the BB Bold.

Visual Communictaion

Paul's boutique bags/Marks & Spencers bag

Pauls Boutique


PB handbags are more detailed than the M&S bag. Even though both stores produce hand bags and more products, PB hand bags are more exciting and fun. The price range is a huge difference, as PB bags could reach up to £100 or maybe more. Where as soon M&S bags cost around £20. The audience for PB bags would more suitable for younger people as i feel they would want a bag that is in 'fashion' at that time no matter what the price is. Younger people like to have designer products. The audience for the M&S bags are for the more older generation, as i feel they would just want a bag just to fit their things in and not to be too fussed on the design of the bag. In my opinion, i would buy a PB bag as i find their bag products more eye catching than M&S even though i feel the price is to much for a bag. Althogugh M&S produce nice bags, PB have a lot more variety in bags so it gives people different choices of which bag to chose from. A lot of the M&S bags are just plain.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Visual Communication

Bullet For My Valentine/Trivium


Trivium -

Both of these bands produce 'heavy metal' music. BFMV are a band with catchy vocals, aggressive riffs and melodies, were as Trivium have changed slightly throughout the years, with slightly changed vocal style, namely the absence of screaming, and some of the melodies. Their audiences are quite similar for both bands but as Trivium are more based on metal, fans of metal music will enjoy Trivium better as to BMFV which are also metal-core, on top of heavy metal and thrash metal. The videos for BFMV are mainly in a dark room or dark lighting, a lot of the videos show the band playing their instruments with close up views. The videos for Trivium are slightly different from BFMV as most of their videos aren't based in dark rooms with dark lighting, the light is bright, with flashing lights also included, but the video shows the band playing their instruments like BFMV. In my opinion, i prefer BFMV as i find their music more enjoyable to listen to, but i do also like Trivium. BFMV guitar riffs and melodies are more 'metal' and enjoyable.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Visual Communication

Think! - Hedgehogs Road Safety Campaign 'Stayin Alive'

The advert is to reinforce the message, especially to children, no matter how street-wise, they can be caught off guard. The advert is simple, with 2D sketching. Even though the is no special effects, compared to the newest 'Hedgehogs Road Safety Campaign' which is in 3D with different effects, the 2D advert is still efffective. The slogan that is used is this advert 'Stop. Look. Listen. Live' is plain and simple to the viewers. The theme song for this advert is simple and clever song to use, to tell the viewers, to stay alive. This advert is child like and also eye catching for me to watch, even though it is aimed for young children, it is enjoyable to watch with the music and the characters it makes you aware of road saftey. The poster is also simular to the advertisment, eye catching and child like.


Poster -

Website -

The website shows information in road safety. the layout of the website is aimed for young children.

Visual Communication

NHS Smoking

The advert for the NHS Anti-Smoking 'hooked' is to make people aware on how 'hooked' you can get on smoking. It shows certain satistics 'An average smoker needs over 5000 ciggarettes a year' is used in the advert. This is to give the viewers a shocking reaction on how much people smoke a year. During the advertisment, dramatic music is played to emphersize his addiction. Also a sound of a reel from a fishing rod is played in the background, as the man is beining dragged along the floor. The advert and the posters are designed to confront smokers with the controlling nature of their addiction. Towards the end of the advert, on the ciggarette package, it shows text saying 'Get help to stop smoking'. I think this is shown as despite the satistics, there is help quit. The advert and the poster, makes me feel frightened and distressed as makes you think what can happen to close members.




The website shows a variety of different information on smoking and on how to quit.

Visual Communication

NHS Swine FLu

i think the Swine Flu campaign is shocking and effective, as it shows you on the advert how easy flu can get passed around, person to person in a normal day-to-day life. Even though you can't see the germs, its shows how germs can travel on this advert by using the germs coloured in green. The advert makes me feel uncomfortable to watch but it draws attention to know how easy it can spread to people or onto objects that people touch. This advert is trying to make you aware of how it can get passed on and how to kill germs by using a tissue, soap and water or using a sanitiser gel. The slogan it uses 'Catch it, bin it, kill it.' its plain and simple of what the meaning is. The sound affect at the beginning is a man sneezing. I think they use this to show you were germs can come from. It also gives you a variety of information on Swine Flu for people who are unaware of the effects of Swine Flu.

Poster -

The poster for the Swine Flu virus to me is an effective image as it shows how germs can spread in a visible view.

Advert -

i think this advert is really shocking and effective, as it shows you how easy flu can get passed around.

Website -

The website gives you a lot of information about Swine Flu.