Monday, 12 April 2010

Visual Communication

NHS Swine FLu

i think the Swine Flu campaign is shocking and effective, as it shows you on the advert how easy flu can get passed around, person to person in a normal day-to-day life. Even though you can't see the germs, its shows how germs can travel on this advert by using the germs coloured in green. The advert makes me feel uncomfortable to watch but it draws attention to know how easy it can spread to people or onto objects that people touch. This advert is trying to make you aware of how it can get passed on and how to kill germs by using a tissue, soap and water or using a sanitiser gel. The slogan it uses 'Catch it, bin it, kill it.' its plain and simple of what the meaning is. The sound affect at the beginning is a man sneezing. I think they use this to show you were germs can come from. It also gives you a variety of information on Swine Flu for people who are unaware of the effects of Swine Flu.

Poster -

The poster for the Swine Flu virus to me is an effective image as it shows how germs can spread in a visible view.

Advert -

i think this advert is really shocking and effective, as it shows you how easy flu can get passed around.

Website -

The website gives you a lot of information about Swine Flu.

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